Tuesday, September 23, 2008

William hangin' out around the house.

He loves looking at himself in the mirror.

Chillin' in the chair.

Unfortunately I must have deleted the ones of him at the fire station. :( He had so much fun!


For Matt's birthday we went snorkeling in Waimea, up at the North Shore. Unfortunately it was not a good day for snorkeling-a very strong surf and murky water, so after getting banged around a bit on the coral/rocks, we called it a day :(

I haven't quite figured out how to work the underwater camera.

We did stop at a cool place for lunch on the way home. Here is the view.

Birds at the lunch place.

A cool tree.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Buster in the Balls!

Here's a picture I snapped of William at My Gym. He loves going there because of all the bright colors and sounds.

William sitting up! He can do it for several minutes now without toppling over.

Oatmeal cereal time- although more of it ended up on his face and high chair than in his belly.

Spending some time outside with Dad-and trying to strangle the cat while he's at it.

Arizona Memorial

Our friend Donald arranged for me to go on the special private tour of the Arizona Memorial via the admiral's ship. Here are the pics!

The view from Ford Island

Where the USS Nevada was beached

The USS Missouri battleship

The USS Utah memorial

I snapped this picture of a soldier at the memorial

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Life in Hawaii-

Here are some pictures of us just hanging out, pre- and post-beach.

Beach picnic dinner!

William loves his new sunglasses!

Hey, look-Emily in some of the pictures!

Hanging out with mom

Loves the Johnny jump-up...as long as you push him in it.
Day hike!

Today William and I hiked to Makupu'u Point Lighthouse. Well, I hiked and he rode.
Here are some pics!

The view going up-Hawai'i Kai

The lighthouse

William didn't make it to the top awake to see the views!

"Rabbit" Island

Waimanalo Beach

Tide Pools

In the distance is Kailua/Kaneohe